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Once you are registered in AESA and have your  certificate  training to be able to fly in  category  open, specific or certified, you must train and justify said training when hiring you in UAS operating companies


But no matter how much you train, it won't do you any good if you don't have some way of certifying that you've done that training.

We do just that: we take you to train for specific operations, we record all the parameters of your training, and we issue you an exclusive Training Certificate.


This certificate will serve to accredit your experience with companies that require your services and to better position yourself in front of other candidates.


This training we offer is a training  additional  It does not replace Official Training, but it complements it perfectly because it provides you with just what you need to access qualified jobs.


We offer you various types of operations so that you gain expertise and experience piloting in different Operational Scenarios.

Each operation takes place in a different location, and is carefully designed to provide you with piloting skills in different circumstances.

Example :

Search and rescue operation: it is carried out in a mountainous or wooded natural environment, with geographical features such as chasms, valleys, ravines, etc.

In this operation, the pilot must search for a person who has been lost, and whose location is unknown.

Once located, it has to register its position to immediately transmit it to the bodies and state security forces, or emergency personnel, who are the ones who will finally have to come to the rescue of this person.

You can choose the type of Operation you want at the time of making the payment.

The currently available operations are:

Planning  Operations and emergency landings.

Search and Rescue


3d modeling

Network Inspection  electrical 


Once you are registered in AESA and have your  certificate  training to be able to fly in  category  open, specific or certified, you must train and justify said training when hiring you in UAS operating companies


But no matter how much you train, it won't do you any good if you don't have some way of certifying that you've done that training.

We do just that: we take you to train for specific operations, we record all the parameters of your training, and we issue you an exclusive Training Certificate.


This certificate will serve to accredit your experience with companies that require your services and to better position yourself in front of other candidates.


This training we offer is a training  additional  It does not replace Official Training, but it complements it perfectly because it provides you with just what you need to access qualified jobs.


€ 240.  Extended Training


 Wire transfer:

Payment will be made in advance, online,  through:

 IBAN account number:

ES77 0182 0509 8900 11507815




Your email address

Do not forget this last information or we will not be able to process your payment.

You do not need to send us proof of payment. We will register you in the course at the moment we verify the entry into the account.

Be registered in AESA and possess the certificates of  training  for at least the  category  open level A1 / A3,  

Don't you have it yet? Do you want to get advice on how to get certified specifically?


You can do it with us,  here


This training, which is totally face-to-face, is given in one morning  or late depending on the operation you want to perform.

its  duration  It is  4 hours


T he number of places is limited. The place in the course is only confirmed once the payment is made.  

It is not possible to reserve a place.

In case the minimum number of students required is not reached, we can cancel the course, returning the amount paid, of course, in full.

If you want to cancel your attendance you have to send us an email to the following address:  at least 7 days in advance. which will give you the right to a refund of 90% of the total price of the course (the remaining 10% corresponds to our management expenses)

In case of cancellation due to proven force majeure (death, accident, serious illness or hospitalization, in all of them, in your own person or up to the second degree of consanguinity or affinity) you will have the right to a full refund.


€ 240.  Extended Training

 -    Dominio maniobras en  VLOS, EVLOS y BVLOS

-    Aterrizajes y despegue en situaciónes de emergencia.

-    Comunicación con Torre y Equipo Operativo

-    Control del stress del piloto

-    Conciencia situacional

-    Planificación de vuelo

-    Aplicaciones App( Drone deploy, UGCS, DJI Pilot, Litchi, PIX4d...)

-    Simulacros Búsqueda, Salvamento y Rescate.

-    Inspección Lineal(Torres eléctricas, comunicaciones..)

-    Introduccíon deferentes sensores(térmicas, multiespectral)

-    Fotogrametria.

-    Agricultura de Precisión

      Al final se certifican las 60H de vuelo reales.

     Las prácticas están repartidas en una clase de un día al més

     (4horas intensivas).

     Diferentes localizaciones

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